These days more and more people dine out so ensuring food quality has become a priority for not only the restaurants, banquets but also at homes during small parties. Not only tasty but foods rich in vitamins and minerals must be served to people.
One of the most important components of our food should be an intake of iron. Iron is in the blood majorly as hemoglobin. It is very vital for survival and its deficiency leads to deadly anemia.
Iron is essential for the human body. It is one of the top six nutrients, which are required for the sustenance of human body. Iron content becomes vital for pregnant women, who produce more red blood cells to supply the growing fetus with oxygen and nourishment.
Deficiency of Iron has become a common phenomenon in the United States. As per findings, of The World Health Organization (WHO), 1.62 billion people suffer from iron deficiency. Excessive loss of blood takes place in the deficiency of iron and the cells are not able to repair them.
Sore throat, anemia, fatigue, pale skin, shortness of breath are major symptoms of iron deficiency.
It is advisable not to take an overdose of iron as it leads to acute diarrhea, stomach pain and severe vomiting.
Here is a list of 7 most essential foods containing Iron. While traveling you can order dishes which include these ingredients to keep your iron level up:
Parsley is a major ingredient in an Italian dish. Parsleys are eaten on many potatoes and rice dishes as a garnish dishes in many parts of America and the Middle East. It is also a rich source of folic acid, and Vitamins C, K, A.
Garbanzos taste delicious. Their texture is buttery and pasty. Mainly eaten in Middle East and India. American Diabetes Association has recommended chickpeas or (garbanzo) as the best legume for health. A person who consumes 3 cups of these legumes per week remains fit and healthy. It is also very rich in fiber, iron and proteins.
It is a type of legume. It is hard and nutty eaten as a vegetable and used as cooking oil. An American Journal of Clinical Nutrition claims that ferritin found in Soybeans act as a rich source of Iron. It is also very rich sources of Vitamins, Minerals and Protein.
Black, Navy, Kidney and Pinto are varieties of beans consumed by people. A Study was done by Archives of Internal Medicine reveals that eating beans reduces heart diseases. Beans contain magnesium and folate that improves the health of the heart. Women get extra benefit by eating beans as it boosts energy during menstruating periods, Beans are usually used in soups, salads and other dishes.
Table describing the daily intake of Iron limit of people of all ages:

The scientific name of spinach is Spinaciaoleracea. It is a rich source of green leafy vegetable. Cooked spinach has more nutritive value than the raw one. It is a non-heme source of iron. According to medical researchers, Spinach contains 3.6gram of Carbohydrates and 2.9gram of Proteins. Many types of dishes can be made by Spinach, German creamed spinach dish is very tasty and common in the United States.
Swiss Chard:
Experts believe that Swiss Chard is the second highest sources of Iron after Spinach. It is mainly eaten in the form of salads. In many countries, Chard is used as a major ingredient in soups. It is high in Vitamins.
Tofu is a very rich source of nutrition. Tofu is high in protein. Mainly used in vegetable curries and salads. Tofu is also a source of great protein and contains Magnesium and Calcium.
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